Canoe Kids Volume 2 Haida is a family book for kids all ages. This book focuses on the Haida Nation of Haida Gwaii. In 165 pages the reader is introduced to the Haida people. The articles included in the Haida issue celebrate the oceans, the soundscape, harvesting, history and culture, totem poles, canoes, longhouses, food and recipes, transportation, the Haida Gwaii Watchmen Program, the bent box, repatriating the name for the territory, the Peace Potlatch, the language, totem pole raising, archaeological sites, the Inside Passage, and book reviews. Throughout the text the editor has included colourful photographs of the geography, people, and animals living in Haida Gwaii. Canoe Kids stresses the importance of traditional knowledge and the importance of the environment for all of Mother Earth's children and the Haida issue acknowledges this connection in keeping Turtle Island vibrant and thriving for all the faces yet to come. Highly recommended.